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Tabletop Games Playtesting on TTS Fall 2022

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Fall is officially here! This season we have 14 board games making their digital debuts on Tabletop Simulator. So celebrate the change in seasons and try out these new games, playtesting on TTS now!

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About:  "Once a renowned and respected adventurer, you’ve long since retired to a peaceful town, tucked way up in the mountains. You spend most days relaxing out in the sun or at the tavern, regaling local villagers with your heroic triumphs of the past. Today though, is not shaping up to be like most days..."

You will be placing villager meeples at varying village locations to either gain stat points or perform actions like moving, attacking, using skills or rallying the Villagers to perform additional duties. A villager's location should be picked carefully, because invading monsters will be advancing towards the village center, causing villagers in their way to flee in terror! After defending the village for 4 waves, the ancient horror buried beneath you emerges from underground, ready for a fight!

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Anytime

  • Type: Solo, worker placement, hero defense

  • Theme: Dark Fantasy

  • Number of Players: 1

  • Age: 12+

  • Time To Play: 30-60 minutes

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Buried Beneath Now On TTS!

Official Website:

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About: Dicetics is a trading card game focus on casual fun gameplay with dice and cards that feature pixel art. You can play a game with 2 or more people. And you can start with 20 health, 40,50,60,80,100, or more depending on how long or how short you want the game to run and how many people are involved. The field is broken down into the deck zone, crystal zone, discard pile, battlefield, and banish zone. Once you got the players. You will need to determine who goes first. Roll for initiative. Everyone rolls 1d20 and the player who got the highest number will go first and proceed in a clockwise rotation after that player. If that player doesn't want to go first he can pass it to the next highest number rolled. After that, each player draws 7 cards. With the option to mulligan for 6 cards to get a better hand. Then the game starts with the first turn. The player who goes first skips his draw phrase. You cannot attack during your first turn. After the first turn, the player or players after him can draw a card during their turn but still can’t attack. After everyone has at least one turn, the players can enter their combat phase and declare an attack.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Any weekend dates Sign up in Discord

  • Type: TCG

  • Theme: Fantasy, card game, dice game

  • Number of Players: 2-4

  • Age: 12+

  • Time To Play: 40-60 minutes

Where To Sign Up: Signup through Dicetics's Discord

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Dicetics now on TTS!

Official Website: Dicetics Linktree

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About: Audition to be the royal trumpeter of this fictional kingdom by building the craziest, longest, twistiest trumpet in all the land! In this fast paces tile-laying game you'll be drawing trumpet part tiles and buying premium tiles in order to build out a trumpet that scores the most points by meeting various in-game and end-game scoring objectives. The game feels like a mix between Carcasonne, Sagrada, and Ticket to Ride; easy to get into but challenging to master.

Game Development Inspiration: The games I design are rooted in my background as a musician, specifically a trumpet player. There is a tradition in European instrument making to invent crazy-looking horns, so I thought it would be fun to capture that in a silly, yet think, game. After all, making music is as much about the skill as it is about the art!

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Anytime

  • Type: Puzzly tile-laying game

  • Theme: Whimsical kingdom

  • Number of Players: 2-4

  • Age: 8+

  • Time To Play: 10 minutes per player

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Public mod coming soon

Official Website:

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About: Norsefolk is a deckbuilding wargame for 2-4 players where each player controls their own clan with its unique cards in a race to reach 21 glory (points) before anyone else. The game takes place on a hex map representing a small part in the North where each clan wants to prove their worth to the Gods and be admitted into Valhalla prematurely.

Everything the players do are performed through action and reaction cards and require presence of some sort on the map, which is in the form of Buildings, Shamans and Warriors. Each round all players choose 1-2 action cards and reveal their choices simultaneously. After that they go in round order according to the stated initiative on the chosen cards and play out their actions. The players also have the opportunity to react to what's happening by playing reactions cards directly from hand if a certain criteria has been met (e.g. a building got destroyed). Lastly, each player has unique passive abilities which further specialises how their particular clan plays out.

In Norsefolk the action begins pretty much from the first round where everyone is at each other's throats. The players will have to expand their borders, recruit more troops and by force take control of the region while also fighting over global quests to gain additional glory. Throughout the game the players will gain more actions and reactions to add to their current deck, further increasing their capabilities.

Game Development Inspiration: I've always had a strong interest in Norse mythology and have wanted to create a game with that theme. I'm also a fan of area control games, deckbuilding games and have a strong distaste to randomness in games (dice rolling in wargames is my kryptonite), so I wanted to create a game which could combine these different elements with as little randomness as possible.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Available during all evenings

  • Type: Deckbuilding wargame

  • Theme: Viking / Fantasy

  • Number of Players: 2-4

  • Age: 13+

  • Time To Play: 30 minutes per player

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Norsefolk now on TTS!

Official Website:

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About: Save... Or assassinate? Patriot is an epic board game of social cunning, betrayal, conquest and strategy for 1 to 6 comrades.

Game Development Inspiration: Battlestar Galactica & Dead of Winter are two major influences!

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Any

  • Type: Strategy / Social Deduction

  • Theme: Post-apocalyptic modern cyberpunk

  • Number of Players: 1-2 players for the campaign mode, 3-6 players for the base game social deduction mode

  • Age: 14+

  • Time To Play: 30 minutes per player

Where To Sign Up: Give playtesting feedback here

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Patriot now on TTS!

Kickstarter: Kickstarter launching October 5, 2022

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About: In Hall of Sentient Mirrors, you and up to three other self-important adventurers play heroes of the dying realm of Direcast. You must venture into the Mirror Worlds on a two-fold mission - to save these threatened realms and also to search for shards of a legendary magical mirror. You must work cooperatively - but with elements of selfishness in mind - as you fight the Oily Nothing, seek rare treasures, and pray to your gods; all in the hope of finding personal salvation...and ridding the land of a terrible threat.

Your main goal is to collect enough Mirror Shards to push back against the emerging horror of the Oily Nothing. If successful, you will gain more game time, alongside spending Mirror Shards to strengthen and purify yourself, all in the hope of grudgingly banding together with the other heroes to defeat the final challenge - a corrupted terror in the form of a Boss.

Game Development Inspiration: Divinity original sin, knightmare, final fantasy

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Weekday evenings GMT

  • Type: RPG, dungeon crawler, asymmetric characters, card game, campaign game

  • Theme: Fantasy, grimdark, multiple worlds, apocalypse, self-interest

  • Number of Players: 2-4 (solo mode being worked on)

  • Age: 14+

  • Time To Play: 90-150 minutes game play time

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Hall of Sentient Mirrors now on TTS!

Official Website:

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About: As planet Earth gets more and more uninhabitable, everyone struggles to leave the barren wasteland behind before it is too late. As a corporation, try to research new technologies and build large rockets while gathering rapidly diminishing resources. In this race to leave the planet, you must choose between working on your own, collaborating to create an even more advanced rocket, or even sneaking your crew onto an opponent’s vessel.

A fun strategy game for 3-5 players with secret action selection, resource management, cards, and dice. In each phase, the player with the highest die/dice goes first and the higher the die the better the abilities. But be careful, as the higher the dice the more energy you have to spend. Draft rocket technologies and build them with resources from a market where the availability of the goods depends on the demand. Build rockets by yourself or together and be the first to board them with your crew. Launch the rockets and aim for different planets with various hazards and rewards.

Game Development Inspiration: We are three siblings developing this game together, everyone of us brings in their own experiences and ideas.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Wednesdays and Saturdays mostly

  • Type: Diceplacement Game

  • Theme: Space

  • Number of Players: 3-5

  • Age: Adults

  • Time To Play: Around 30 minutes per player

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Rocket Rescue now on TTS!

Official Website:

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About: Wanderlust is a Medium weight game, with a family-friendly theme. A game for 2-5 players, during the game players, will be taking turns to acquire transport tickets, travel to available destinations, play encounter cards and use the destination actions, collecting travel experience points along the way, all in pursuit of achieving the Race Objectives before everyone else.

Game Development Inspiration: We developed the game during Covid since we can not travel. So this game is based on our favorite memories about travel and the places we want to travel to when Covid is over.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: 15th of October or 16th of October

  • Type: Racing / set collection board game

  • Theme: Travel

  • Number of Players: 2-5 players

  • Age: 10+

  • Time To Play: 45-90 minutes

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Digital debut coming soon!

Kickstarter: Kickstarter launching October 4, 2022

Official Website:

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About: Rogue Angels is a co-op sci-fi adventure game driven by character choices and a strong narrative with multiple paths, tactical combat with fluent turns and action management with asymmetric abilities. Rogue Angels offers a game play ranging from infiltration, combat and sabotage to assassination, search and rescue operations, with most missions being adaptable to player choices.

Game Development Inspiration: Mass Effect (video game trilogy)

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Anytime

  • Type: Adventure RPG, TTRPG

  • Theme: Sci-fi adventure

  • Number of Players: 1-4

  • Age: Adults

  • Time To Play: 90-120 minutes

Where To Sign Up: Signup through Discord

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Rogue Angels now on TTS!

Kickstarter: Kickstarter coming soon

Official Website:

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About: Crystal Combat is a fast-paced game of luck and strategy for two players, that takes place in the unclaimed, outer edges of the galaxy. Take control of one of the factions battling for dominance and go against each other in an attempt to capture as many crystals as you can! It only takes about 10 minutes to play a full game, making it the perfect addition to any game night or dinner outing!

Game Development Inspiration: Starcraft and Warhammer are both big influences on the themes and design of this game.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Any time

  • Type: Card game

  • Theme: SciFi, strategy, war

  • Number of Players: 2

  • Age: 12+

  • Time To Play: 10 minutes

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Crystal Combat now on TTS!

Kickstarter: Coming 2023

Official Website:

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About: Turn-based, deck-building battle experience. Reduce the opponent's HP to 0 using a wide variety of characters, attacks, and strategic cards. Very easy to get into, but wide range of strategies to master.

Game Development Inspiration: This game is mainly based on my love for science fiction books, and video games with wacky aesthetics, particularly Devolver Digital titles.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Sep. 15, 2022 - December 1, 2022 are all available

  • Type: Card game

  • Theme: Sci-fi fantasy

  • Number of Players: 2

  • Age: Everyone

  • Time To Play: Games can last from 10-30 minutes

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Novacore now on TTS!

Official Website:

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About: The horns of judgment have sounded and the end times are upon us. Evil floods the land and the people of earth need help against the constantly rising tide. You must work with your fellow saints to stymie the flood of evil before the seventh seal is broken. Holy Roller is a cooperative card and dice game where you battle a flood of evil. Each saint has an ability to help them in the fight. You and your fellow saints have a very difficult struggle ahead. Evil comes in many forms and requires specific instruments to defeat. Roll your die, gain powerful artifacts, and work together to defeat evil! You either win together or lose together so talk and devise a strategy with your fellow Saints. Evil is unrelenting and if you and your fellow saints do not work together, you will surely loose the battle!

Holy Roller: Catholicism brings the art and beliefs of the old world into the new world. All artwork is from Renaissance and Dark Age masters, Goya, Raphael, Michelangelo, etc, and plays a central role in wrapping you in the feel of being a saint battling against the waves of evil! And this game is absolutely a battle that you might lose!

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: Oct 20th 6pm EST and Oct 27 6pm EST

  • Type: Dice rolling swarm defense

  • Theme: Good vs evil

  • Number of Players: 1-6

  • Age: 16+

  • Time To Play: About an hour

Feedback Form: Share your thoughts here

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Holy Roller: Catholicism now on TTS!

Kickstarter: Coming soon

Official Website:

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About: In New Kingdom: Gardeners players build a tableau of cards called a Garden to earn fruit for the harvest. Whoever earns the most fruit is crowned the head Gardener when the Master Gardener is drawn from the main deck (this card will be at the bottom of the deck in the last 9 cards). When drawn, players finish out their final turns and a winner is appointed.

With innovative player interactions, less than 30 minute playtime, and strategic yet intuitive mechanics Gardeners is a game designed for families and gamers alike.

Game Development Inspiration: Stonemaier games, particularly Wingspan, the BGDL podcast hosted by Gabe Barrett and long weekends playing risk with my friends growing up have been the foundation for game design in my life. The idea for Gardeners specifically was influenced heavily by the Bible and its enormous impact on my life, relationships, and work and a love for Gardening with my mother growing up and my wife currently.

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: 09/01/22 - 12/01/22

  • Type: Family strategy card game

  • Theme: Biblically-inspired

  • Number of Players: 1-4

  • Age: 10+

  • Time To Play: 30-60 minutes

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest New Kingdom: Gardeners now on TTS!

Kickstarter: Kickstarter launching early 2023

Official Website:

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About:  You are humanity’s first and only line of defense against an immeasurable alien armada that intends to wipe our species off the face of the Earth before claiming the planet for themselves. Alien Hive Invasion puts Sci-Fi Starship combat and strategy in the forefront as players' decisions impact the flow of the gameplay. Play as the Earth Alliance Defense Force (EADF) by researching scientific developments while balancing Starship equipment including weapon systems and managing limited resources such as ammunition, shields, hull armor, and fuel. Or play as the dreaded Blood Hive where one can choose the augmentation of organic alien vessels, manage deployment of reinforcements and engage in a tactical match of domination over Earth’s desperate struggle to survive.

Game Development Inspiration: Stargate SG-1 / Battlestar Galactica / Farscape / Independence Day

Game Info-

  • Playtesting Times: October 6th to October 14th

  • Type: Sci-Fi Strategy With Tactical Fleet Combat

  • Theme: Science Fiction

  • Number of Players: 2-5

  • Age: 3-4 hours

  • Time To Play: 14+

Where To Sign Up: Signup here!

Tabletop Simulator Mod: Playtest Alien Hive Invasion now on TTS!

Kickstarter: Kickstarter coming spring 2024

Official Website:

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