Shipping Crisis Article Source List

  1. Wall Street Journal- The U.S. Import Surge Is Skipping the Train

  2. Morgan Stanley- Global Supply Chains: Risks, Repair and Restructuring

  3. Insider News- Decoding The Supply Chain Crisis And The Everything Shortage

  4. CNBC- Why U.S. Ports Are Some Of The Least Efficient In The World

  5. McKinsey & Company- Navigating The Current Disruption In Containerized Logistics

  6. 60 Minutes- What's caused America's supply chain crunch?

  7. Global Container Index on -Freightos Baltic Index (FBX): Global Container Freight Index

  8. The Office Of The United States Trade Representative

  9. CNBC- How Amazon Beat Supply Chain Chaos With Ships, Containers And Planes

  10. Pew Research Center- Majority of workers who quit a job in 2021 cite low pay, no opportunities for advancement, feeling disrespected

  11. Fortune Magazine- The Great Resignation is hitting these industries hardest

  12. Port Of Los Angeles- Los Angeles Harbor Commission Approves Plan To Clear Cargo Off Docks

  13. Forbes- There Is A Massive Trucker Shortage Causing Supply Chain Disruptions And High Inflation

  14. Time Magazine- The Board Game Business Is Booming, But the Global Shipping Crisis Could Be Disastrous

  15. Forbes- Warehouse Labor Woes Are Worse Than Ever

  16. Ludology episode titled- “GameTek 255.5 - Global Logistics Woes

  17. Technavio- Board Games Market Analysis Highlights the Impact of COVID-19

  18. Bloomberg- China Finds Way to Do Covid Zero While Keeping Factories Open

  19. Harvard Business Review- How the War in Ukraine Is Further Disrupting Global Supply Chains

  20. Insider News- Sky-high shipping costs could keep prices surging until mid-2023

  21. Fright Right Definitions

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